Welcome to your one-stop resource for your Summit County Property Search. We are glad you found us!
Advantages of using this site:
Our site updates instantly when a property hits the MLS (multiple listing system.) This means that you have access to all the information real estate brokers in Breckenridge, Frisco, Dillon, Silverthorne, Keystone, and Copper Mountain have at the exact
same time they do. You get the inside track in a hot market where the best-valued homes can sell in hours. Most national real estate search sites only update once per day, causing the people using them to miss out on the deals that you already saw here.
Another way we are different from other real estate sites is that we do not sell your information. Ever. Period. Many people searching our
site are just getting started and many not even know yet if a mountain home truly fits their lifestyle. Our business model involves providing expert and professional real estate consultation to save you time and money regardless of the stage of your
home search. In contrast, most other search sites do sell your information, and many of them sell your information to the 3 highest bidders every time you ask for more information on a property. If you asked
to know about 3 properties, 9 brokers would have paid for your information. You have no way to know if the person following up is good or not. or how the website chose how to distribute your information. At SummitPropertySearch.com, the only person
who will follow up with you is a full time, highly qualified professional.